Home Feature Films TV Series Guest Star Appearances Game Show Appearances


"The Girl Who Came Gift Wrapped" (January 29, 1974)

"Make Like a Thief" (November 20, 1964)

"Follow the Boys" (February 27, 1963)

"House on Haunted Hill" (February 17, 1959)

"Cult of the Cobra" (May 30, 1955)

"Playgirl" (April 21, 1954)

"Saskatchewan" (March 30, 1954)

"All American" (September 23, 1953)

"All I Desire" (June 25, 1953)

"Kansas Raiders" (November 15, 1950)

"Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm" (May 10, 1951)

"Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town" (April 1, 1950)

"Ma and Pa Kettle" (April 1, 1949)

"The Egg and I" (March 21, 1947)

"The Dark Mirror" (October 18, 1946)

"The Stranger" (July 2, 1946)